Saturday, July 18, 2009

Honesty of 10

MJ(Since I started my blog, she is one with the widest range of experiences in life, I till now came across.) tagged me for my second blog award. I am very happy and I can’t deny that. The award is, as she describes, for bloggers who “keep it real”. I tried my best doing that but still I wonder if one can truly have an unadulterated post, having put in all that one had the intention of. I can’t deny that thought.

The award comes with some rules: one being ten things about myself which one might not know and another is about tagging ten fellow bloggers for the award. Sadly, I have to break some of it. I am tagging two of my fellow bloggers. My list of ten is as follows:

1. I was operated upon at the age of ten for my heart. They said it had an abnormality by birth. The opening of one of my ventricular valves was a little short than it should ideally have been. I saw what an ICU is that early in my life. And that was when I saw people around, struggling to fight complexities in health, binding together with hope to fight death. It was a unique experience and I still feel lucky to have undergone such a journey. Thankfully, I did well after that and am considered normal now.

2. I always wanted to be a painter. I was in love with colors. I had to give it up for my studies and a career. Life is rough and has a lot of struggle, if you are to make it as a painter in India. And my parents didn’t want me to be a part of it.

3. I tried my hands at a couple of things which sadly I was unable to complete or pursue whole heartedly. But still, I feel good having tried all that. They include Martial Arts, Numerology, Palmistry, Tarots, Tai-Chi and Hacking.

4. Till I joined my job, I had never gone to a picnic or an outing with my friends. While at school, my parents didn’t allow me as I was the only child and that too with a heart operation and while at college and engineering things never worked out for me.

5. I started smoking to avoid feeling sleepy so that I would be able to read more, burning the oils before my semester exams at engineering. And it turned out to be an addiction. I still repent not being able to put up a good fight against smoking.

6. I can answer any question except one. Where do you see yourself five years down or what do you want from life? I don’t have any idea. I never had. I am not a person of plans.

7. My second tries have always been the best ones. If I try for the first time, I might fail. But if I give it a second try, no one can stop me. That has always been the case. And the thing which is hard about it is that not all my second tries were the best ones. Sometimes I failed having tried the best I could have in the first time.

8. I love debates and discussions. I love doing them and I love winning them. That’s the only arena where I maintain a full success rate of hundred.

9. I repent that I was never able to do anything for my grandmother. I loved her a lot. I always wanted to do something for her. Life didn’t give me that time. I saw her die. And I was denied one last look of her considering my emotional attachment. I looked for her after her death and could never answer questions as to where people land up after death. It still remains a mystery to me. I miss her a lot.

10. I am a self made man. If you know that there is a hole, some miles down the road, be sure to tell me and watch the fun. I would still go and fall into it and climb up back and learn about it. I prefer it that way. I consider failures to be very necessary and always prefer the road alone.

I would like to pass on this award to :


  1. Though I'm not certain about my worthiness...I am quite grateful and I will do my best to make you proud. Garf-since we've become "bloggie friends" I've loved reading your posts. You have a wonderful view of life. Congratulations, my friend, on being a self-made, accomplished young man.

  2. You have revealed a lot of facts about yourself that you consider close to your heart. It must have taken a lot of courage to do so. Kudos to you!

    Do keep posting, I am hooked. :)

    Also, do stop by The Village Idiot sometime.


  3. Thanks Garf! so so so much! Dont really think I deserve it but really, thank you so much! =)

  4. that was certainly a very interesting and honest account.. liked reading it and getting to know more about a fellow blogger..
