Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birth Day To ME (16.06.2010)

I was born today. It’s the day of bumps and cake-faces. Sadly or luckily, I escaped both. As I sit here, at office, there is no one around who knows about it except my manager who is on leave. And as I have mentioned countless times before, something happens to me on my birthdays. This birthday was probably the dullest ever. Nothing strange, unique, sad or exciting happened. That doesn’t make me sad. I don’t know what makes me sad. On a different note, I sometimes feel that I am not a living entity. I love memories of life more than I love life. Nez..this is my space and I haven’t wished myself yet. Happy birthday to me.


  1. Well I suppose everyone wants something to happen to them on their birthday. But first, Happy Birthday Buddy!! I've missed you! It's okay to live and enjoy the memories, as long as you dont live in the past. take care buddy!
