Friday, November 12, 2010

Me & MBA

I became an Engineer without a thought. Becoming an engineer here is easy and has remained the preferred choice for graduation as all that is required from you to get the degree is to fill up the examination forms. With a sea of colleges at your disposal, getting into an engineering stream isn’t hard at all. This country has a place for you as an engineer and you are at your own will to grade yourself as either the high scorer or the mediocre or the below average slow minded.

Once you are an engineer, the case that often takes shape is that you end up in Information Technology: the country’s biggest job market. Irrespective of your stream, IT offers you the chair. Often people lack guidance, vision and understanding of what and why they are doing during their engineering days and a job from welcome-all industry can hardly be overlooked. Being an Electronics & Instrumentation engineer, I ended up in IT too and today, I am a software developer quite proud of my technical skills. A matter of joke/shame that still remains is that till today, no one ever asked me “What is a Process control?”, something basic of my engineering stream. Neither did I ever bother about it.

The way forward into the top bracket of management or a fat salary or a role of your choice with challenges that you may be ecstatic about brings before us another often pursued engagement: an MBA. Though I always felt that this country needs a break from the huge crowd of MBA’s that graduate every year, today I find myself in the same race. Unarguably a rat race, my expectations of myself has never been the less. I expect myself to make it into one of the top 20 MBA schools across the globe. Feel free to hit the LOL or a ROFL status. :-)

I am a huge reader of blogs and I really feel blogs do make a huge difference to this world. As I scanned through 100+ blogs of MBA aspirants of the past, I can’t help but feel their pain. The journey which lies ahead is an uphill task. It’s one which even might not have a destination. And as I start upon this road, I am scared and at wits end to justify myself and my actions of the past. I have always been someone without a plan. Today, a plan for everything needs to be chalked out. This sudden shift from my comfort zone and my gears have left me wondering if this blog would also add onto those numerous ones which ended up being an MBA-journey blog.

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