Sunday, August 9, 2009


A question to all in hope that most of you will identify with me. How do you feel on a Sunday evening? I always felt very very bad. The meager thought of the week ahead and Monday being the first one in row always had my peace of mind and joy of soul. Since the last three years it was that way. Friday nights and Saturday’s were the best. Come Sunday and by five in the evening I would always find it hard to concentrate and enjoy outside. It was a maxim for me. I could never surpass this mental impediment.

Now all of that has become a hoary tale. I am unable to distinguish Sundays from the Mondays. Blame my new irresponsible ignorant funny foolish colleagues and their apathy about work. If you can’t do that, then consider them having done the magic. Now it is all fun hours at work. I feel so relaxed in there. There is nothing to think about. No problem is huge and there is no wait for the satisfaction of having traveled deep into lines of code at the end of the day. I come out as relaxed as I go in. And whenever I happen to pity myself at having wasted my whole day in there or having not being productive or having fooled around, I keep that burning inside to route it towards my GMAT preparation when I come back home. It helps me immensely. That burning is exactly what I need to sail me through. As long as that is inside there, I am good and unstoppable in my focus. I know myself. I always loose that with time. This time, surely, I will be able to see the end of it all.

I started more than a week ago. I am now confy of my critical reasoning (to be referred as CR hence forth) and I just need to punch my head against those tough Kaplan materials. I am done with GMAT Official guide (to be referred as OG henceforth) for the 10th version. The week saw me having started with my Reading Comprehension (to be referred as RC henceforth). I did poor. Princeton, my way of gaining the fundamentals didn’t help me. I happened to get a tip somewhere that Kaplan’s RC is better for starters. I followed. And after having struggled two days, finally I am doing much better. Till evening I was with one error from my eighteen questions. But then, I got three from six and then zero from another six. So I am kinda lost. I need more. It is certainly not where I can move onto others. I have time.

Happened to see Public Enemies yesterday. Mr Depp was cool. I liked the piece. The last scene from the flick moved me. It was so raw and strong. I did justice to myself when I decided not to watch it on my laptop. I still wish that I would have seen Depp’s “From Hell”, Finding Neverland and Chocolat on the big screen. He has his own ways. I would like to say that “Secret Window” and “The Ninth Gate” were OK. And not to forget Pirates. That’s all I have for your Johnny.

Plans are for a trip to a hill station with some friends and my love. Sadly there has been an outbreak of Swine Flu nearby the place we are about to visit. Hope things turn out good without any further contaminated cases. Else, I might have to take a big risk. A four day plan with my love, when I am missing her day in and day out can never be spoiled by the flu danger. Both are life taking.


  1. work isn't worth it if you can't have fun! Yea for good coworkers.

  2. enjoy your time out with your love.. just be careful about that swine flu thing...and the rest about work.. is a tale in everyone's household... just keep your spirits high..

  3. Mondays... I hate Monday mornings. Getting out of bed after a Sunday that seems to have flashed by too fast is tough. You inspire me to get over it though. Thanks.
    Watch out for the swine-flu. Enjoy!

  4. I was so stressed out at my job until I took a month leave of absence to go to Israel, since then, I have been riding some kind I'd happy wave. I think everyone should get a month off each year--it's good for the soul.

    It's amazing how knowing something is temporary makes it all seem less urgent and less stressful. I love planning for the future and knowing no matter what's going on here and now, I have the
    power and drive to make changes in my life, to continue learning and always be moving toward something better.
