Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Friendship Day

Being a single child, having been operated at the age of ten, being a fatty shy kid, I never got to know what friendship was during my childhood. I would often shun away from guys. I wasn’t fine with two or three pair of eyes in front of me. I loved painting and I used to be mostly at home. I was never one of those to play outside during the evenings. My parents always worried about me getting injured as I had a long stitch-mark from my operation right at the centre of my chest. They were always over caring and over-worried. My ten years of school never saw me going to a single picnic or a get-together or at a play ground during the evenings. Quite naturally, I was left out. It wasn’t natural for me.

With time, I got my own world the way I wanted it to be. I had the independence and the time. It took me time to overcome my insecurities and zero-confidence. It took me time to face people. It took me time to hang out normally. It took me time to adjust to a group. And when I was done, I realized I had the largest and the most varied friend circle. Without my knowing, I developed a talent of talking to guys irrespective of what they really were. I was the one who had rascals robbing their own parents off money to sex-hungry egoists to studious docile youths, as my friends. I never repented having known them and no bad or abnormal human trait pissed me. I took interest in knowing and seeing it and it was wonderful. A diary with all their details came into existence. There was no mobile or internet to connect the dots at that time. If I had spent my ten years at school sitting at home, all devoid of friends, there I was, spending my evenings with them, till ten in the night. I can’t complain. I had my share and better.

Years passed and I landed up in a software job. I made many more over time. But sadly, my list shrank. From what it used to be huge circle, it was now a bunch of four or five. As life moves on, we all start to walk the real walk, a walk of our own. And we never know where we are headed. And when we look back, we can see them. But, not always, can we have them. Things change. I still have that diary with me back at my home but those numbers and addresses aren’t updated. The names are still there. And with internet, many a new names are still here on my facebook/gmail/orkut profiles. I feel, it’s just a matter of time before it meets the same fate as that of my diary.

I still remember you all even though you don’t and I wish you all a very happy first Sunday of August, 2009. I am happy that at some point of time, our paths crossed and our lives mingled with each other. You all, and your stories and the time we spent shall be with me, forever. And I shall keep on writing about them and sharing them, every single chance I happen to get. :)

And to all my readers and fellow bloggers: A very happy friendship day to you all too, cause even if it’s not me, I know, there has to be someone who for sure is thankful that you are his/her friend. Cheers.


  1. Happy Friendships Day to you too buddy! I really do think of you as one of my friend in this extremely vast cyberspace. ;)

  2. happy fship day dude....ur strong i know..keep going!

  3. that was such an honest and heartfelt post.. and it is the reality of so many of us.. thanks for writing this post.. I am sure you felt relieved writing it this way..


  4. I like having just a small circle of real friends...The older I get the more I know myself and what kind of people I want to surround myself with. And, that's OK as far as I'm concerned.

    As always, this was a wonderful and personal post. Thanks for sharing.
