Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 Resolutions

I love New Year resolutions. Having resolutions makes me connect very well to the arriving of the New Year. Since my childhood, it has been a common practice. And seven days into the year, all of them would be into the thin air. That’s how it always works. New Year resolutions are made to be broken. But one should always try. And for this belief, I shall try again this year too. Below is what I resolute to do:

1. I won’t smoke. Smoking kills. And I would try my best to stop it. I should understand that it is just a habit and anything that makes me think that smoking might help is just another excuse. I am addicted and addiction has got no excuses. I should care for people who love me and stop it. A human brain has all the power it needs to control and restrain.
2. I would GYM. Time and again I have been at it and given up. Sometime the reasons were justified and sometimes which is more than often, it was me. My love for Garfield and calories has to take a back seat and I should exercise to have a shape. I have already started feeling bad about the way I look and I should do something about it before things grow out of bounds. At the least, four times a week is what I would administer for myself.
3. I will hit GOA for certain this year. It was planned thrice. It got cancelled thrice. And not to speak of the bucks which I have lost in the process. I would keep all my shame and ego at the backseat and go and ask and plan it again with everyone and will do it come whatever may. 2011 will surely not have this one in the do-list. I love traveling and there is no logic to go anywhere if GOA hasn’t happened.
4. There are things pending and a driver license and Tai Chi tops the list. I tried both and left them half way through. Though I feel going for a four wheeler license is more logical, Tai Chi should have no diversions. I have already paid for the course and ten classes away from my first step. And Toastmasters has to happen. Though I am aware that it is there at the new company I am going to join, still, if not, then I should put in the effort to do that at the Toastmasters club of Hyderabad. All of these are necessary.

Don’t you think that was huge? I felt it when I was penning it down. Still, that is the list and here it is. History has it that I always score a zero. It is all about hope and the New Year 2010… wish me luck. Welcoming a New Year without any resolutions seems lame but not being able to fulfill them doesn’t. :-)


  1. My New Year's Resolution is to keep on rocking. :D

    You're gonna love Tai Chi, it's so good for you and it's secretly martial arts slowed down.

  2. @Kate: That is really a good one to have as a resolution. Do you know tai chi..?

  3. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog!
    I am not making New Year's resolutions so much as just resolutions that I made at some point that I am continuing into the new year. Next year will be a challenge in itself with all the changes it will inevitably bring for me.
    Your resolutions sound great, though. A few major changes in your life if you keep them all! Good luck!
    - Karen

  4. Great post,
    I want to think about this topic, Why don't such thoughts came in my mind before.

  5. Best of luck in your resolutions. Keep in mind every minute you're not smoking is another ten minutes added on to your life. Garfield rocks by the way!

  6. @Srikrishna: thanks Dude. I have the same brain as you have ...ask HIM.. :)

    @ matt: You are correct. I have the knowledge but need persistence. :) And yeah...garfield rocks... :)

  7. You are very correct in saying that "one should always try". That's how we can set goals for oursleves.

    But I've set different resolution for me this year. Please read it and provide comments for me too.
