Saturday, February 20, 2010

My 100th Post

I still remember having stumbled upon Farah’s blog on her 100th post. That was the day I started my anonymous blogging and hers was the first blog I had visited. Being a Gemini I never knew that I would be reaching the figure one day myself. I started from a point when I used to think what to write about, to today, when I write almost every day before I sleep. I always wanted to achieve that and this being my 100th one, gives me a chance to look back and analyze myself as a blogger and it certainly seems to have happened that way. I always wondered as to how blogging has become famous. I was never comfy with the idea of having life posted online. Still, I started and soon enough, I understood that it was a mistake for me. But then, I thought about being anonymous and it made sense since all that matters is what I wanted to write. Many might agree or disagree to mine doing that but it is the only way I can be my own self and be true to my words and to my readers. Can’t help…I was coded that way……….

After a few posts, comments seemed to matter a lot. Thankfully, after a few posts, that didn’t continue to hold true. I agree that I always feel good when I have a new follower or a comment, but, usually while posting, unlike this one, wherein I am trying to speak to you all, I always prefer going the personal diary way. But not to forget the fact that sometimes, I get comments which have really helped me in understanding things in a better light. Those have been priceless….nothing good comes free these days they say…I would like to add an exception. Bloggers are awesome.

Today, blogging, for me, isn’t only about me. It is also about my readers or the ones I follow. At times when I am free, which I happen to be everyday at some point of time, my curiosity and bonding takes me to your posts and when I am done reading, I feel complete and in sync with my world. I am thankful to all of you for making me a part of your world, your posts…....i certainly look forward to them everyday..…it feels nice in a unique way…….to know you all…….over distance, time zones and cultures…….it makes me feel alive and connected.
Lastly, I thought many a things to make this post special, but as had been pointed out by some, writing about how blogging has changed me and my life was the option which felt worth it, not to forget the fact that I am not at all innovative and someone with ideas.

To say frankly, I am feeling very happy………….I guess I should stop here and cherish it for some time. :)


  1. Hey summarised the whole process so beautifully...and for new bloggers like me it is indeed like a word of encouragement :)

    Like you ,even I was a bit apprehensive about putting my personal life online at first...but the option that we have here, that of maintaining anonymity or making friends at our own will certainly makes it feasible and preferable...

    Looking forward to hear more stuff from you ! :)

  2. Hey Garf, happy 100th! It's def a milestone yeah? and you know what as a Gemini myself, I think we are both coming into our own with the whole blogging world. Yes comments do matter, followers do matter but what matters the most would be the fact that we stay true to ourselves throughout the whole process.

    Again, happy 100th!! =)

  3. @Varsh: Thanks. I am surprised that it was encouraging. :)

    @farah: I couldn't have agreed more either. Thanks. :)

  4. Happy Hundrendth Post Garf and sorry about the fact that i'm a little late but that doesn't make the moment any less special i beleive! :)
    Bloggers are awesome, you are so right about that. Since i'm new to the blogosphere as well, i can totally understand what you mean..Comments and Followers mean a LOT..they just become a part of your life, just like your blog. So keep writing, write well, Be happy and God Bless You :D

  5. @Aeish: Thanks. Ofcourse it doesn't make it less special. You are here and that is what matters.

  6. Beautifully written 100th post! I love what you said about being able to connect with people across distances, time zones and cultures.
