Friday, February 5, 2010

Still a bit Lost...

While I was waiting for the HR to call me so that I can have a second round of discussion regarding the offer he has, I got a soft copy o the offer letter in my mail box. What did he communicate back or where was he when I asked him to call me up the next morning? Is he really dumb or is that he made a statement saying that’s what the final offer would be from his end when he sent the mail? After having talked to my friends and considering the thoughts you all had put in as comments, I decided to go for a brand on condition that the HR doesn’t agree for more bucks. After the mail, it looks like I have to call him up and make myself clearer on my expectations. So, I am not yet done. Hope isn’t there that it would work out but I don’t want to repent later considering that I could have always called. That’s how it remains….will update you all on how it goes……

Yesterday, I was frustrated weighing my career options and trying to have a sneak into future….so I decided to watch a movie. “Up in the Air” is fantastic. No doubt, it has six nominations at the OSCARS. Clooney, as always playing the professional believing in his own theories of living out of a bag pack….and loosing more than he thought was fantastic. Do watch it if you haven’t… won’t be disappointed. A few interesting arguments have been presented. The living out of a bag style was interesting but nothing really can win unless it has love with it.

Presently, I am at work with no work but eager eyes around. So I better close this post here……..will update you regarding how things progress.


  1. Yep, do call. Hope something that makes you happier comes out..

    Counting days for 'her' to come?

    "am at work with no work" one..hehehehe..

  2. @Meenakshi: Yeah..sorts.. :D
    Still doesnt feel real that she is coming. :)
    I will be calling tomorrow...
