Sunday, February 28, 2010

"War is a Drug"

Almost never do we get to do what we love or almost never we love what we get to do. It is often said that work is the best way to express the person you are. And that is what “The Hurt Locker” is all about. There are many a scenes when you will hold your breath and watch with trepidation as to what might happen next. The "suspense" is huge. The emotional and mental journey James and the others of his Squad go through is detailed to every bit. The havoc of a Bomb going off, the pre and post of that, all are handled like I have seen never before. And towards the end, James holds his son and confides in him that there are so many things that his son loves but there is only one such thing which James loves and he gets back to the field for a yearlong assignment. I would have loved it more had it been Tom Hanks playing it. I would rate it a 9.0 and it is certainly more deserving than the IMDB 8.0 rating. See the movie to believe what a masterpiece it is………

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  1. ur traffic rank has come to 16,600 something from 25,100 something the last time i saw. good dude!

  2. u r becoming more of a movie critic nowadays garf...

  3. @Anonymous: Thanks. feels nice that its improving. Whenever i watch a movie, i cant stop myself from discussing it and saying about it...and thats what comes up thru my blog. :)
