Monday, February 8, 2010

My Monday....LOL

Dear bloggers, as was brought to my notice by my love, this isn’t my 100th post. I am really sorry for having said it was in my last post. I always considered the count which the blogger dashboard shows. But it isn’t in sync with the number which I see on the right navigation of my previous posts which marks it as my 94th one. I think if I edit my post and republish it; the dashboard increases the count by one. Nez…partly my fault….spare me……I am humane.

Today I was busy filling up my exit form. My organization needs to get things done ten days before my last working day. So it is time for me to go to every door and ask for a clearance signature. I am done with only two sections and tomorrow I need to complete it. So I would be using a lot of stairs tomorrow and that sucks to me. I hate stairs. It is against a Garfield-ish morale to do so. But I can’t help people who having spent almost twenty five years of their lives in this world fail to understand and comprehend the lift symbols and its movements. More than often, you can see people pressing the up-button when they want to go downstairs…..And then when the door opens, you can see that enlightened blank face with curios eyes prompting you the text “Going Down?”……..I would love to be rude but then, I have the other category of people around me, who have compassion and are kind at soul and answer with an equally logical tone “No, it’s moving up”….WOW….how helpful and informative people are. Believe me, I don’t know about you, but for me, this has been a real pain. It happens for 80% of the times I take the lifts.

As I say, that was me at work with no work. On the other side, I called the HR and he didn’t pick up. Tomorrow I shall be trying a combination of calls and messages. No offence meant….I shouldn’t expect much from a human resource. They aren’t humane…they are just a resource.

Do you believe that was what sums up today for me? It does. Life is suddenly a frozen river, waiting to melt and flow into the new lanes unaware of where it would have to go………


  1. "I shouldn’t expect much from a human resource. They aren’t humane…they are just a resource. "

    lol at that...

